islenska 17.06.06 Team Sunrise Superstars
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We are a bunch of yoyo-ers from the East side of Singapore
We have regular meetings at Tampines Mall Lvl 4, Open Plaza on Every Friday, From 3pm to 6pm
For any enquiry pls email or add The Captain on msn,

How to Join

In order to join you nid to complete the following tricks listed below.3 tries per trick.You are allowed to choose 3 tricks to skip.You are allowed to take the test as many times provided we think it is appropriate .
Btw there are 2 types..1 is for 1A main and 2A main players..

1A Players' Test Trick List

1. Long sleeper(30 sec)
2. Brain Twister
3. Zipper
4. Split the Atom
5. Atomic Fire (3 times)
6. Mach 5 (3 rounds)
7. Ripcord
8. Boi-e-Boing(3 times)
9. Double or Nothing
10. Matrix(3 times)
11. 1.5 Mount
12. Buddha's Revenge (3 time)
12. Mc Bride Roller Coaster
13. Rewind(1 time)
14. Cold Fusion
15. GT of any kind

2A Players' Trick List

1.Around the World (3 rounds)
2.Tidal Waves(3 Loops)
3.Inside loops (10 times)
4.Outside Loops (10 times)
5.Cross Loops (10 times)
6.Hop the Fence(2 times)
7. Warp Drive(2 times)
8.Time Wrap (2 times)
9.Planet Hops (1 time)
10. Shoot the Moon (2 times)


Kiyo/Captain | Sean/Vice Captain | Eumund | Marcus |

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December 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009

Updated the Test format edited some other stuff logo will be up asap

Pwned.@* 8:28 AM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Currently only gt 4 members...feel free to join us at our meetings..working on the team logo..will be coming soon..err..nt much to update...see yea

Pwned.@* 6:12 AM

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome to the blog of Team Sunrise Superstars..updates will be updated soon LOL

Pwned.@* 8:52 AM